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The line graph illustrates how many passenger railway journeys were made in the UK over the period 1950 to 2004/05.
As is shown by the graph that the figures for National Railway Network (NRN) and London Underground (LU) were upward and downward over the given period, whereas they remained static for Light Rail and Metro Systems.
NRN was by far the most popular of those types in the fist half of the period. Initially, the number of journeys in NRN reached the highest level at around 1.100 million in 1960 before falling to roughly 600 million in 1980. Likewise, LU showed a parallel pattern, but less pronounced, declining over the same period (from approximately 700 to 500 million rail journeys). Thereafter, both NRN and LU showed a similar figure, indicating a growth in the number of passenger rail journeys in the second half of this period. In 2004/05, the numbers were 1100 million and 1000 million respectively.
While in contrast, after their introduction in the 1960s, LRTMS carried fewer passengers than those of the other two networks, no more than 10 millions over the first 15 years (between 1965 and 1980). However, in 1980 the number of journeys made by passengers picked up, reaching nearly 200 millions in 2004/05.