What is capitalism and how does it operate? Исполнитель

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What is capitalism and how does it operate?
Capitalism is an economic system in which there is private ownership of property and the means of production. It is on the profit motive and freedom of individual initiative in business. Capitalism is often referred to as the free enterprise system. A true capitalist society operates only on the basis of supply and demand in a free and unregulated marketplace. Such a society has as little government regulation as possible. It favors Adam Smith’s policy of laissez – faire, which means “ allow to act “ . in other words, it means “ let people do as they please “ . the government should do only what is needed directly to protect health and safety.
Many people say they favor laissez – faire, but it hardly exists today. There are no complete unregulated capitalism economies in the modern world. Every capitalism nation has limits on the ownership of property and the conduct of business. There are also heavy profit taxes plus many restrictions on investors and entrepreneurs. There regulations, limits and restrictions have produced a managed capitalist economy in today’s world.
Capitalism has undergone many changes over the years.
Economic hardship, wars, labor unionism, and the attempt to bring about social justice have led to many changes. As a result, American capitalism has come to mean different things at different times.
In spite of constant changes, there is a general way of describing a modern capitalism economy. It is based on the private ownership of property and the means of production. Its free enterprise profit system offers producers and investors a chance for profit. Part of that risk is linked to the operation of supply and demand. That risk exists even in the modern system of government regulation and restrictions.
Government regulation and restrictions have grown steadily over the years. They are supposed to protect the people and the entire nation against hardship and suffering. Today there is evidence that many people feel there are too many government regulations and restrictions.
Government powers have also expanded in other ways. Over the years the government has tried to limit the economic powers of individuals and large corporation. It has done this by use of tax laws
and by efforts to regulate many aspects of industrial and financial activities. There efforts may be annoying and they are often resented. However, they do not change the basic nature of the capitalist economy. Capitalism in the United States may be managed and regulated, but it is based on private property and the profit motive. There still exists a fairly free market. Most goods and services are still bought and sold on the basis of supply and demand.
Kapitalizm xususiy mol – mulk egaligi va ishlab chiqarishni anglatuvchi iqtisodiy tizimdir. U foyda omili va tadbirkorlikda yakka rahbarlik erkinligiga asoslangan. Kapitalizm tez – tez erkin tadbirkorlik tizimi sifatida nazarda tutiladi. Haqiqiy kapitalizm jamiyati erkin va nazorat qilinmaydigan bozorlarda faqat talab va taklif asosida boshqariladi. Jamiyat o’zining kichik tartibga soluvchi hukumatiga ega, baribir. U Adam Smitning “ harakat qilishga imkon bering “ ni anglatuvchi, laissez – faire dasturini qo’llaydi. Boshqacha aytganda, u “ odamlarga xohlagan ishlarini qilishga yo’l bering “ degani. Hukumat esa faqat sog’liqni va xavfsizlikni asrash uchun harakat qilishi kerak.
Ko’p odamlar laissez – faire ni qo’llaydi, lekin hozir u deyarli hech qanday amalda emas. Zamonaviy dunyoda to’liq nazorat qilinmaydigan kapitalizm iqtisodiyoti yo’q. har bir capitalist davlat mol – mulk egaligi bo’yicha me’yorlarga va tadbirkorlikni yuritishga ega bo’ladi. Yana investorlar va tadbirkorlik erkinligini cheklash bilan birga og’ir daromad soliqlari bor. Nazoratlar, cheklovlar va chegaralashlar bugungi dunyoda boshqariladigan kapitalist iqtisodiyotni ishlab chiqdi.
Kapitalizm yillar ichida ko’pgina o’zgarishlarni boshidan o’tkazdi.
Iqtisodiy qiyinchilik, urushlar, mehnat uyushmalari va jamiyatga oid qonunlarning sa’y – harakatlari ko’p o’zgarishlarga olib keldi. Natijada, ingliz kapitalizmi turli davrlarda turli ma’molarni anglatdi.
O’zgarishlarga qaramasdan, zamonaviy kapitalizm iqtisodiyotini tasvirlashning oddiy usuli mavjud. U xususiy mol – mulk egaligiga asoslanadi va ishlab chiqarishni anglatadi. Erkin tadbirkorlik daromad tizimi ishlab chiqaruvchilar va investorlarga foyda olishga imkon taklif qiladi. Tavakkalchilikning bir qismi talab va taklif jarayonlari bilan bog’liq. Bu tavakkalchilik, hatto , hukumatning zamonaviy nazorat va chegaralashlar tizimida ham mavjud.
Yillar davomida hukumatning nazoratlari va cheklovlari to’xtovsiz o’sib bordi. Ular odamlarni va butun millatni muhtojlik va azob – uqubatlardan himoya qilishiga ishonishardi. Bugunda odamlar hukumat tartiblari va cheklovlari haddan ko’pligini his qiulayotganlariga dalillar bor.
Hukumat o’z kuchini boshqa yo’llar bilan ham kengaytiradi. Yillar davomida hukumat yakka shaxslar iqtisodiy kuchlarini chegaralashga va aksiyadorlik jamiyatlarini kengaytirishga harakat qildi. Bu soliqqa oid qonunlarni ishlatish va sanoat hamda moliyaviy mablag’larning ko’p ko’rinishlarini nazorat qilish sa’y – harakatlari bilan amalga oshirildi. Urinishlar jonga tegadi va tez – tez g’azablantiradi. Biroq, ular kapitalistik iqtisodiyotning tabiiy asosini o’zgartirmadilar. Qo’shma Shtatlardagi kapitalizm boshqariladigan va tartibga solinadigan, ammoi u xususiy mulkchilik va foyda omiliga asoslangan. U yerda hali ham qonunga rioya qiluvchi erkin bozor bor. Ko’p tovarlar va xizmatlar hali ham talab taklif asosida oldi – sotdi qilinadi.
Ownership of property mol – mulk egaligi
Profit foyda
Initiative rahbarlik
Unregulated nazorat qilinmaydigan
Favor qo’llamoq
Conduct rahbarlik qilish
Limit chegara
Restriction cheklov
Hardship qiyinchilik, muhtojlik
Undergone boshidan o’tkazmoq
Attempt sa’y – harakat
Link bog’liq
Suffering azob – uqubat
Expanded kengaytirmoq
Capitalism is based on the private ownership of property and means of production. Capitalism is often referred to as the free enterprise system. It favors Adam Smith’s policy, which means “ allow to act “. Many people say they favor Adam Smith’s policy, but it hardly exists today. There are no complete unregulated capitalism economies in the modern world. There regulations, limits and restrictions have produced a managed capitalist economy in today’s world. Capitalism has undergone many changes over the years. However, they do not change the basic nature of the capitalist economy.