Influence of meteorological conditions of industrial environment on the human body Исполнитель

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Influence of meteorological conditions of industrial environment on the human body
Microclimate of industrial premises is determined by a combination of temperature, humidity, air mobility, the temperature of surrounding surfaces and their thermal radiation. Microclimate parameters determine the heat of the human body and have a significant effect on the functional status of the various systems of the body, mood, performance and health.
The temperature in the premises is one of the leading factors that determine the weather conditions of production environment. High temperatures have an adverse impact on human health. Working in conditions of high temperature is accompanied by intense sweating, which leads to dehydration, loss of mineral salts and water soluble vitamins, causes severe and persistent changes in the activity of the cardiovascular system, increases respiration rate, and also affects the functioning of other organs and systems - is weakened attention deteriorated motor coordination, slow reactions, etc.
Prolonged exposure to high temperatures, especially in combination with high humidity can lead to significant accumulation of heat in the body (hyperthermia). Hyperthermia has a headache, nausea, vomiting, and sometimes convulsions, a fall in blood pressure, loss of consciousness.
Effect of thermal radiation on the body has several features, one of which is the ability of infrared rays of different lengths to penetrate to various depths and absorbed by the tissue of providing heating effect that leads to an increase in skin temperature, increased heart rate, changes in metabolism and blood pressure, disease eye.When exposed to the human body freezing temperatures observed vasoconstriction of fingers and toes, facial skin, your metabolism changes. Low temperatures also affect internal organs, and prolonged exposure to these temperatures leads to stable disease. Parameters of the microclimate of industrial premises depend on the thermo physical characteristics of the process, climate, seasons, conditions of heating and ventilation.
Thermal radiation (infrared radiation) is invisible electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength of 0.76 to 540 nm, has a wave, the quantum properties. The intensity of radiant heat is measured in W/m2. Infrared rays passing through the air, it is not heated, but absorbed by solids, radiant energy is converted into heat, causing them to heat. Source of infrared radiation is any hot body.
Fundamental importance in the rules has separate valuation of each component of climate: temperature, humidity, air velocity. The work area should be provided microclimate parameters corresponding to the optimum and permissible values.
Combating the adverse influence of the working environment strengthens by using technology, sanitation and health prevention activities.
In the prevention of the harmful effects of high temperature infrared radiation leading role belongs to the technological activities: the replacement of the old and the introduction of new technological processes and equipment, automation and mechanization of processes, remote control.The groups of sanitary and technical measures are a means of localization of heat and insulation to reduce the intensity of heat radiation and heat from the equipment.
Effective means of reducing heat generation are:covering hot surfaces, sealing equipment, application of reflective and Heat Sink screens, the device ventilation systems, use of personal protective equipment. For health-care activities include: organization of a rational regime of work and rest, drinking regime, increased resistance to high temperatures through the use of pharmacological agents (receiving diazole, ascorbic acid, and glucose), exposure to oxygen passage of preliminary admission to employment and periodic medical examinations.Interventions to prevent adverse effects of cold must include the delay of heat - a warning of cooling production facilities, the selection of rational work and rest, the use of personal protective equipment, as well as measures to improve the body's defenses.