Ballarni quyidagi havolalar orqali stib olishingiz mumkin.
- How do people in China welcome visitors to their homes?
The host will wait at the door to welcome visitors, and lead them to lounge or
dining room to have tea and snacks. Then the host will talk with visitors,
making them comfortable and feel free.
- In China, when someone is a guest in another person's house, in what
ways should he or she express their respect to the host?On arrival, as a guest, one will go to say hello to the host and the elder in the
family; on leaving, he should say goodbye, which is basic politeness. Then if
offered food or drinks, it's polite to take them and say thanks.
- Should the guest offer help to the host?
No, guests are not expected to offer any help. In general, female of the host
family will be in charge of preparing food, and male will entertain or have a
talk with guests. If there are many guests coming for a party or visiting, the
host will hireothers to help with food, and they themselves treat guests.