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Describe an event that made you laugh Исполнитель

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Describe an event that made you laugh

You should say:

what event it was

when it occurred

what made you laugh

and explain how you felt about it.


I think the family event I had with my extended family during the Chinese New Year

was very interesting, which made us laugh a lot.

As usual, our family had a family reunion at my grandparents' home on the New

Year's Eve and we enjoyed the time a lot. The event was a little different because

my cousin was in charge of the whole thing. In order to make it special and

memorable, he planned a lot of activities for us to participate. One thing was really

hilarious, in which he asked one person at a time to mimic a family member for

others to guess. He would tell the person, who was going to perform, the name of

the family member secretly and then the rest of us had to guess cooperatively. The

most interesting part was he asked my grandma to mimic my little five-year cousin.

My seventy-year-old grandma suddenly became very lovely and active. We couldn't

stop laughing and guessed the name immediately because my grandma really did a

good job.

I think it's the most interesting family event I have ever attended. I told them how I

liked it and we really should have it often.

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