Countryside part 1 Исполнитель Скачано: 0 Размер: 14.11 Kb Скачать Countryside part 1 Регистрация Скачать Countryside part 1 Matn Countryside part 1 Похожие песни Do people in the countryside generally read the same kinds of magazines as people in the cities? 100 IELTS Speaking Part 2 In 2016 & 2017 Band 8.0 + Sample Answers In recent years, some countries have experienced very rapid economic development. This has resulted in much higher standards of living in urban areas, but not in the countryside. What do you usually do in the countryside? Sports competitiona sports event that you watched or took part in part 3 Комментарии (0) Комментировать Введите код с картинки: Добавить комментарий